
Intro:Mogdron Adventures - Daughter of Merlin


I wondered if life could be different. Thoughts wondered to what normal ever could be but it all was a pipe dream. I lived in a world of magic, evil leprechauns, ghosts, demons and the devils. My life knew nothing of normal with my father being Merlin and my mother was known as the Lady of the Lake who is a water demon and daughter of Poseidon.  I've just discovered Lucifer trapped my father in the eternal tree of life by corrupting my mothers sister Morgana.  There doesn't seem to any proof Lucifer actually committed any crimes but he certainly was a major key player of influence and corrupted many. I suppose my aunt was always was susceptible to his ways as power hungry as she has always been.  She cursed my mother to the ocean making her unable to survive out of the sea. Here I am on my twentieth birthday, pissed off and I am most certainly clueless. My parents did strive to teach and mold me but I rebelled. Instead of learning magic I was out trying to be normal but now in hindsight I now realize this may cost the lives of those I love as well as my own.  I haven't a clue on how to save my parents, destroy Lucifer and imprison Morgana but I will find a way.  I have too, I have no choice.  I've just discovered that there are alternate realities to Nye and the one I have to get too, to save my parents is Earth.  I don't know how yet but I do know I will find my way there and save them.  Luckily I have my cousin Esyrn who is magically inclined as well as an alien race called the Knephs to assist me on my journey.  Today marks the day I step forward to embrace my destiny and find the power to fight the good fight as they say, all while I try to stay alive, survive devils, demons, the Jinn and who knows what else.  Of course when I think I have figured it out,  it's just then I know I will never have all the answers.  I will never understand evil and the mind of the insane but I will do my best to fight against the evil that has filtrated my life.


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