
Passage One: Mogdron: Swallowed by Hell

5 years later.....

I laid with my face in the dirt as my bones ached. I locked in within my inner energy and swung my body over and up. Face to face with the wretched demon, Karajan the Queen of the Lepruchuns. She deemed to kill me as I have been on a mission to wipe them out. They possess the ability to charm any human making them lust them and if they choose they could curse you with their gold coin they also kept on them, by simply leaving the coin behind. Whoever touched the coin inflicted an ill fate to befall on them. The dam coin moved on it's own and always found it's way back to it's asshat owner after the damage was done. The little bastards attempted to curse me when they realized their lust pheromones had no effect on me. I may look human but my mother was a water demon and my father Merlin who was half demon.  I am unaffected by their demonic charms.  What little did I know was that they were indeed in line with Lucifer.
"Karajan I grow bored with your feeble attempts." I staggered to stand strong with my words spewed in her direction.
"Oh what a foolish child you are." She laughed and the ground opened up beneath me and down I went into the pits of hell.  It seemed like forever I was falling as screams brushed up on me and sights of terror flashed before me.  Then it stopped, no thud, no crack or break.  I was just still in mid air and then slowly descended until I stood on mangy carpet that looked to be the hair and skin of diseased dogs and I had not choice but to walk on it as it covered the entire area.  The air had a stench of death and I could feel myself want to upchuck my lunch.  I looked around to see what was endless cubicles.  Exhausted people with their ears attached to the skin flesh phones.  The same annoying song repeating as is played in the background.  Wickedly bright luminous lights that were blinding.  No windows anywhere.  The air was stale and hopeless.  They all looked like zombies.  None of them noticing me as I walk by trying to find a way out but there just wasn't one.  More screams filled the air and as I neared an opening and peered in I could see the zombies eating on the flesh of those who appeared human and unzombie like.  Hell, I'm in hell.  I thought.  Great so Lucifer finally has sought me out but where the hell is the beast?  Just as I thought it, the room changed with the floor of black marble and the walls bleed red over black.  Lavish furniture and in the center of the room appeared to be bodies entangled, sucking, biting, licking, moaning, screaming as they all were fucking.  An orgy a dam orgy with who knows how many demons and humans entwined.  There was a hallway and I began to travel in that direction when he showed.  He didn't show his true form but instead hid it from me in a form of man he knew I lusted.  This only infuriated me more.  I could could feel the power of my energy ball up in my hands, ready to throw in his direction.  But then I thought he is immortal and feeds off of anger.  Besides I'm in his home and he could easily kill if he wanted.  Maybe I could create a ball of love to throw his way, would love hurt him?  I realized I was defenseless right then and the thought deflated me.
"Mogdron, Mogdron, Mogdron, how lovely of you to show and apparently you want me or you wouldn't meet me here of all the choices where we could have meet."  He looked at me slyly and was undressing me with his eyes.  I felt my skin crawl and I ignored his comment.  
"Lucifer! I should have known!"
"Mmmmm, you taste like rage. How tempting you are right now, so delicious!" he smiled wide with those most wicked eyes that kept looking me over and penetrating my body.
I knew I couldn't kill him, as he was immortal. I couldn't love him either which I'm sure would hurt him.
"You will fight for me one day, you can't change destiny Mogdron. You are mine, you have always been mine. Your parents too." He came close to me and ran the back of his hand over my cheek as his eyes smoldered and I found myself glued in place unable to move.  I didn't fear him.  I know he needed me, I could sense it.
"Why am I here?  I'm not dead."
"What can a grandfather not visit his Grandchild when he pleases?"
"What?" I said sharply as I was still glued in place.
"Oh I see, Merlin shared with you that his mother, the sweet nun was impregnated by a demon, but he he didn't tell you the truth.  I am his father and therefore that makes you my family."
"What!  If that is true then why did you banish him from Nye and send him to Earth in the Eternal tree of life?"
"Oh no my dear I did not do such a thing, that was all Morgana's doing.  Although children have to be punished when they don't obey, and you are about to get grounded as well."
"Why because I am fixing to kill your  Brother, Baal?"
"Oh well killing my brother would only be a favor to me.  In fact if you can kill all 63 of them then I would be very pleased.  I've never been one for family or sharing.  In fact that is exactly what I want you to do.  You have a special gift Mogdron.  You can jump worlds.  You are not stuck in Nye you can leave and go to Earth.  You will have to kill my brother Satan though if you want to free your father."
An echo of a voice sounded through my thoughts. My cousin Esyrn's voice was chanting in Latin. The ground shook and then my surroundings flickered until it all faded to black and hell disappeared including Lucifer. My legs gave out as I phased into a room with Esryn and the Knephs who were the most magical pure beings integrated with humankind. I saw them for just a moment but then my legs completely weakened and down I went and my body crashed into the hardwood flooring and my head bounced off with a surge of pain. Then there was nothing but darkness and the echos of voices that grew faint.
"Mogdron, Mogdron! Wake up, come on wake up!" Esryn cried as he scooped up my limp body in his arms.  I could hear his voice echo in the blackness but I was numb.

to be continued.......


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