
Passage Two: Mogdron's Awakening

Eyes open wide as the thud of pain smacked me dead center in my brain. My whole body ached and as I was coming too and I realized I was home and in bed. Why was I home and in bed? Didn't I just arrive at Esyrn's? I began to wonder if I dreamt the whole ordeal. It made more sense to dream meeting the devil versus actually doing so.
"Mogdron, thank goodness you are awake!" Marley interrupted my thoughts.
"Holy mother of, I so didn't realize you were there! How long have you been sitting next to my bed and me not realizing?" I turned too quickly to face him and the pain in my head sharply worsened.
"Well you did have your back facing me, perhaps you subconsciously knew I was here." he smirked and I just smile back at him. I was actually in shock that he was here. I was secretly in love with him, all 6'8 of him. He had beautiful blue skin and beige birth marks that ran down his arm. Each Kneph ranged in height from 6'-9' and he was one of the shorter Kneph's. I happen to be 5' but my personality was tall enough for any of those sexy beings. Each Kneph clan had a different skin color with distinctive abstract looking birthmarks and all of the clan had the same skin tones and birthmarks. For a different species they did have allot of human features that made us compatible, at least that's what I heard. The Kneph's have a lot of human features and lot of superhuman features that I found fascinating.
"What a minute, why are you here?" I realized that he has never been in my room before. Holy Jupiter am I without my beauty wear? Holy crap I'm wearing my freaking Elzmo PJ's! Oh yeah I finally have him in my room and I'm wearing fuzzy furballs on my nightwear and I have a dam headache! Shish, don't I just reek sexy, can't a girl ever get a break? I suddenly felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I wanted to hide under the covers. Who the hell changed me anyways? Why the hell is he in my room?
"You don't remember? "
Wow trick question, did he and I do something, no no that's crazy cuz he would be in the bed not outside of it and I of course would remember!
"Remember what?" I played innocent, best to avoid the crazy answer first until I know we are on the same page.
"What do you remember last?" he inquired.
Great he isn't giving me much to work off of here. "I was at Ensyrn's"
"Yeah and ?"
"Crying out loud Marley just tell me what you know, let's stop with the dancing around with a million questions already!" I bursted out.
He remained unphased by my comment.
"Ok well we found out you went to hell and we pulled you out and when you appeared before us you passed out. That was 3 days ago."
"What the! 3 days! No way!"
"Yes way, 3 days." he responded with a strait face.
"Wait, how did you know I went to hell?"
"Liza dreamt it that morning. She went to find you to warn you but it was too late."
"Right Liza and her future seeing abilities, well would have been nice if she could have had the dream in time to warn me but hey sometimes you can't take the hell out of the girl but only can take the girl out of hell. I get it." Marley just shook his head side to side.
"Did my head support my fall or what, my head feels like it is going to split?"
"You did hit it on the floor when you passed out but I think most of your pain was from the dimensional travel you did being that you are part human."
"Who changed my clothes? Why don't I feel starved and dehydrated? Do I look like a Zombie right now?"
He chuckled, "No you most certainly do not look like a Zombie. I was able to provide fluids and food with a spell. Liza changed you into your Elzmo PJs, very cute by the way."
I felt my cheeks get hot again. "What kind of spell?"
"Basically the spell made it so you could eat, drink and use the facilities as you slept, so basically you slept walk and did this yourself as if you were awake but of course was asleep. So that is why I am here. We each have been taking shifts to watch over you."
What you didn't come here to confess your undying love for me? Darn, fantasy bubble busted. Ok well at least he cares, I think. I'll take that.
"Oh huh, interesting. That's good I guess. Can you help me with the splitting of my head?"
Esyrn and Liza walked into the room. "Thank goodness your awake!" exclaimed Esryn.
"Ahh please not so loud, my head is killing me."
"Sorry." Liza whispered to me.
Liza came and sat next to me on my bed and hugged me tight. She smiled at me and then placed her paw on my forehead and began chanting quietly. I felt the warmth of her touch and then my whole face began to tingle as if it were to go numb. Light gleamed from her palm and then I could feel the sharp pain dull until it faded into nothing.
"Liza thank you!" I wrapped my little arms around her perfect Kneph body.
"You had us worried. Why didn't you tell us what you were planning?" Esryn jumped to the point.
"Wow thanks for seeing how I'm doing, thanks! No no I don't need a moment, after being out for 3 DAYS!" I scowled at my cousin.
"Mogdron, I'm sorry but this is big. You went after the Queen of the Lepruchuns and ended up in hell! What were you thinking and why didn't you bother to share this tidbit of info with me? You could have been killed and you scared us all." His lips tighten as his starred in my direction crossing his arms.
"Yeah I know I'm sorry, really I am. I didn't mean to frighten you all. It's just these dam Lepruchuns piss me off! They cause choas and make it so unfortunate things happen to perfectly good people. Since Karajan started working under Lucifer and now has returned and fully embraced her flippin asshat lepruchun followers; people aren't just having bad luck, death is now bestowed on them. Dam Trent is causing the most trouble and Karajan is more than encouraging his bad behavior. What they did to Zoey was the last needle break in the saw stack for me ya know." My friend Zoey flashed in my thoughts and my heart felt the pain of knowing I will never see her again due to her untimely demise. My anger over her death formed into revenge which seeped inside me and filled in the crack in my heart that occurred at the news of her passing. Trent was a devious Lepruchun and his luck as well as Karajan's was going to run out, I was going to make sure of it.
"Look just because he whammied your friend and brought the Djin in her life and got her killed doesn't mean you can go and be all crazy and take this on your own. We would have helped you. You know that. So what the flip?"
"Look you know I'm impulsive and do things without thinking and after Zoey was killed by the Djin, I knew I had to kill Karajan. She can't continue to live, as long as she is alive, the madness won't stop and many more humans will die or be severely messed up by the Lepruchuns."
"We get it Mog but you need a plan and us to help you. You are powerful but Karajan has Lucifer as a boss. You can't do this alone." Liza chimed in.
"Ok I get it, now can you please stop with the lecture, ESYRN!"
"I don't know what your talking about. I just asked you how your day was." Esyrn smiled at me.

The next day........

"Where are you going?" Esyrn questioned as I was packing deadly weapons in my bag.
"I have to go see the Oracle."
"What? Why?" His face appeared shocked.
"I'm going to Earth. I have to free my parents and bring them home. The Oracle is the only one that can help me figure out how."
"Whoa ok wait, you must have forgot your common sense in hell. What makes you think you can go from Nye to Earth, they are universes apart?"
"Lucifer told me I have the power and if I can go from hell and back here and be alive to tell the tale, then it must be true. Besides if the bitch Morgana could send my parents to Earth, then I probably have the ability to travel there. She is unfortunately part of my blood line being my so called Aunt"
"Ok so let's entertain the idea and say you make it Earth. Then what? How are you going to find them? How are you going to free your dad from the Enteranl tree of life, which is magically bound? How are you going to free you mom from the ocean? How can you bring them back?"
"I will figure it all out when the time comes."
"Ahhh I don't even have a response to that."
"Look you either support the cause or get the flip out of the way. Stop trying to control me!"
"Look if your going I'm going with you."
"Liza is taking me. You don't have to go. I'll be back in a few days. Ok, don't worry so much. I will be ok, I always am." I put on my jacket and bag, hugged him as he just stayed silent and I walked off feeling him watch me walk off.

to be continued......


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