

“The sixth realms, contains a contagion of being stagnant.  I live and yet I remain still lost in thoughts and memories of the past.  How can I push past the shadows that weigh me down and breath in life again.”

Mogdron Ambrosius



Scales of the Angel Djin

Dark depths of purple hues
Swallowed deep
Scales of red and blues
Nearby creep

Veiled by the parallel universe
Bound to guards it way
Life and curse
Tethered at the doorway

Ancient magic in every scale
covered by mystery unknown
Giant enthralling monster tale
Sharp teeth and fire blown

Ancient beast and legend
Key to the realm be yon
Angel djin
Well known as the Dragon

Naej Adnil(c)03912


Passage Three: The Issue of Family and Friends

"This situation or person has been placed in your path to teach you that everyone has his or her own unique, authentic life story, and you must put yourself in that person's shoes to really understand his or her motivation."  - James Van Praagh

May 4, 2415, Planet NYE, Lokie Beach

There are some journeys you have to take alone, like when we die.  Visiting the Oracle was one of those journeys.  I hated lying to Esyrn but I couldn't bring any more trouble to him than I already have.  The purple haze filled the night sky and green fog filled the air.  My hair became damp as the the mist brushed by me as I walked through it with my pack embraced and my guard up.

"How did you convince Esryn to not come?" 

Liza questioned as we walked deeper into the unknown mist.

"I told him you were going with me."

I responded with the sounds of the ground crunching under my steps as we were now entering into the Forsaken Forest.

"What?  You did what?  He is going to know you lied.  How did he not know you were lying?  He knows about the truce treaty we have with Lucifer.  He knows I can't visit the Oracle as that would break the treaty.  He knows we don't dare go in the water."

"Look it was only a little lie, you are walking me through the forest so you are going with me part of the way."
"Yes but you know I can only take you to the Lokie sea and will not be able to continue further."
"Yes, I know, you are creatures of the air, you can fly, teleport, you're beyond magical, wise, beautiful and graceful but you don't dare mess with the water.  I know!"  

Heavy winds began to brush against my long blond hair as the night grew darker.

"Mogdron, I am only taking you this far as I wanted to try to talk some sense into you." 

She said the wrong word and flipped my crazy bitch switch.

"Sense, sense?  What sense?  Liza no one told you when your young that you will grow up to fight demons, lepruchuns, Lucifer, the vamp mafia and have to embrace who you are whether or not you are willing too. No one told you that your going to see friends die and your parents are going to be banished to a parallel universe.  No one told you that your life is going to suck and your not going to have time to fall in love and find that perfect career cause destiny is going to bitch slap you out of existence.  I thought, I could just have a flipping normal life ya know!  I never wanted to be magical, have powers and be a demon!  I look like a human, I wanted to be human!  I tried so hard to be like the humans!  I went to school, I was part of the debate team, dance team which I loved and I was so looking forward to pursuing it at Jenson's Dance School and being a dancer for the Chanice Ballet.  I had a shot which most humans don't get.  I dreamed of a flipping white house and picked fence, husband and two point five kids to be part of my future!  Now all I dream is to master my abilities well enough to take down my Aunt, disband her Vamp Mafia, kill Karajan and make those little lepruchun bastards my bitches and oh leave Nye and go to another planet to save my parents!  However the reality is I still am just trying to master what clothes to wear, how to eat right, try to be a good friend and not lose my dam mind!  All the while figuring out how to take down Lucifer and his evil brothers but I can't even figure out what flippin outfit to wear what the hell make for breakfast!  What kind of savoir am I?  I'm trying to keep it together Liza.  Really I am but I am choas wrapped in beautiful organic form just trying to unfold secretes that no one should bare witness too.  This is the dreams that I have to fulfill whether I like it or not.  I don't have time to crush on some boy, worry about my heart getting broken, go dating, do competitions, do a spa day, take a day to do nothing or go have a dam girls night out!"
"Well I guess you didn't have much on you mind did you?" 

 Liza responded and stood still to face me.  Although she was much taller than me, so that meant her looking down on me.   Although I was five foot, I was pretty much shorter than everyone except those stupid lepruchuns.  However, I could never resist Liza and looked up to her and I mean that in the literal sense, as I meet her large almond amber eyes as they locked a gaze with mine.  Something magically about her eyes, they always immediately put me in a temporary trace to calm me when I was hysterical.  Her long slender hand palmed my hand and gave a squeeze as she smiled at me and I was entranced and less aggravated.  I believed it was one of her abilities to calm down people like myself.  The air seemed to vibrate around us when she did this. 

"Mogdron life was good for you for awhile but we all have a calling in life.  Yours came to fruition sooner than you planned but you had to know chaos was soon to raise it's evil head and come knocking down your door, your father would always warn you and tried to encourage you to use your magic.  I know I was there half of the time when he did.  He knew a war was coming and you would play pivotal role in it."

Silence passed for a long moment and I looked out into the purple sky now the mist had cleared and could see the three moons unveiling through as the light began to fade and darkness seeped in.  We walked in silence for the next few miles until we neared the sea.

"I don't want you to go to the Oracle.  There has to be another way."  

Liza's concern broke the silence as we traveled on to the shore.

"Everything inside tells me that seeing the Oracle is the right thing to do.  This is where I am suppose to be right now.  I know she can help me get to Earth, she lives between the dimensions of the parallel universes.  She of all beings would know how I could get to the other planet.  I will make it out alive, I did last time and I will again."

"You barely made out alive last time." 

Esryn remark as he walked up from the shadows from behind me.

"What the FLIP!  Why are you here?  I told you, you can't come!"  I snapped at him.
"You can't tell me what to do Mog, I'm going and that's finale!  I knew Liza wasn't going with you. You had to know I knew about their issues with sea water and that you are see through.  I know you all to well."

I went quiet for a moment starring him down.  I began counting in my head to calm myself down.  I felt the air around me change and my skin becoming thick. Breath just breath, I am not ready to transform yet.  Once I got control of myself and stopped the transformation.  I looked him strait in the eye as serious of a face as I could muster.    

"You are not part water demon like me and last time we did this you almost died!  YOU ARE NOT GOING!" 

I shouted at him as he ignored me and he began stripping and putting  on his wet suit.  Rage was beginning to surface and when it did bad things always happened.  Ten, nine, eight....breath in and breath out.....seven...six....five...breath in and breath out...four...three....two.....breath in and breath out...one....phew ok, I can do this with out changing.  I won't hurt him...this time.  I kept my eyes on Liza as she kept her focus on me and I could feel my body relax.  I realized I need to try a different approach with him.

"How are you going to make it to the caves thirty leagues beneath the sea when you can't breath?  What about the water pressure?  Your so called spell last time gave out remember?" 

I put my bag down and said a spell to make it a bracelet that fastened around my wrist.

"Yeah well I worked out the kinks on the spell and have practiced it enough to know it will hold up this time.  You're not getting rid of me, I'm going with you and I am going to help you get there and get back."

"I don't want you to go Esryn, I can't handle losing you or worse...what if you live and you're permanently hurt!"

"Wow that was what I was getting at with you!"  Liza interjected.  I shot her a look and narrowed my eyes to warn her to stay out of it.  Esyrn continued to ignore me and zipped up his wet suit and walked to the water with the purple waves flow back and forth over his feet.  He looked back at me indicating he was waiting for me.

"Sheesh!  Fine but I'm not happy about it!"   

I scowled at him as I removed my clothes and I did a spell to make it a link on my bracelet, attached it and ran into the water.  The water was fierce as the chill embraced my fair skin which quickly changed to emeralds scales and the water's cold temperatures no longer bothered me.  My nails became hard spikes, my stomach sunk in as my chest puffed out and my gills opened up along my back as I was now completely emerged in the embrace of the sea and breathed in the water.  I could see Esyrn's sphere around him and hoped all the odds were in our favor and his magic would hold up and his spell would not fail him.  He had his oxygen tanks attached and joined me in the water.  



Passage Two: Mogdron's Awakening

Eyes open wide as the thud of pain smacked me dead center in my brain. My whole body ached and as I was coming too and I realized I was home and in bed. Why was I home and in bed? Didn't I just arrive at Esyrn's? I began to wonder if I dreamt the whole ordeal. It made more sense to dream meeting the devil versus actually doing so.
"Mogdron, thank goodness you are awake!" Marley interrupted my thoughts.
"Holy mother of, I so didn't realize you were there! How long have you been sitting next to my bed and me not realizing?" I turned too quickly to face him and the pain in my head sharply worsened.
"Well you did have your back facing me, perhaps you subconsciously knew I was here." he smirked and I just smile back at him. I was actually in shock that he was here. I was secretly in love with him, all 6'8 of him. He had beautiful blue skin and beige birth marks that ran down his arm. Each Kneph ranged in height from 6'-9' and he was one of the shorter Kneph's. I happen to be 5' but my personality was tall enough for any of those sexy beings. Each Kneph clan had a different skin color with distinctive abstract looking birthmarks and all of the clan had the same skin tones and birthmarks. For a different species they did have allot of human features that made us compatible, at least that's what I heard. The Kneph's have a lot of human features and lot of superhuman features that I found fascinating.
"What a minute, why are you here?" I realized that he has never been in my room before. Holy Jupiter am I without my beauty wear? Holy crap I'm wearing my freaking Elzmo PJ's! Oh yeah I finally have him in my room and I'm wearing fuzzy furballs on my nightwear and I have a dam headache! Shish, don't I just reek sexy, can't a girl ever get a break? I suddenly felt the heat rush to my cheeks and I wanted to hide under the covers. Who the hell changed me anyways? Why the hell is he in my room?
"You don't remember? "
Wow trick question, did he and I do something, no no that's crazy cuz he would be in the bed not outside of it and I of course would remember!
"Remember what?" I played innocent, best to avoid the crazy answer first until I know we are on the same page.
"What do you remember last?" he inquired.
Great he isn't giving me much to work off of here. "I was at Ensyrn's"
"Yeah and ?"
"Crying out loud Marley just tell me what you know, let's stop with the dancing around with a million questions already!" I bursted out.
He remained unphased by my comment.
"Ok well we found out you went to hell and we pulled you out and when you appeared before us you passed out. That was 3 days ago."
"What the! 3 days! No way!"
"Yes way, 3 days." he responded with a strait face.
"Wait, how did you know I went to hell?"
"Liza dreamt it that morning. She went to find you to warn you but it was too late."
"Right Liza and her future seeing abilities, well would have been nice if she could have had the dream in time to warn me but hey sometimes you can't take the hell out of the girl but only can take the girl out of hell. I get it." Marley just shook his head side to side.
"Did my head support my fall or what, my head feels like it is going to split?"
"You did hit it on the floor when you passed out but I think most of your pain was from the dimensional travel you did being that you are part human."
"Who changed my clothes? Why don't I feel starved and dehydrated? Do I look like a Zombie right now?"
He chuckled, "No you most certainly do not look like a Zombie. I was able to provide fluids and food with a spell. Liza changed you into your Elzmo PJs, very cute by the way."
I felt my cheeks get hot again. "What kind of spell?"
"Basically the spell made it so you could eat, drink and use the facilities as you slept, so basically you slept walk and did this yourself as if you were awake but of course was asleep. So that is why I am here. We each have been taking shifts to watch over you."
What you didn't come here to confess your undying love for me? Darn, fantasy bubble busted. Ok well at least he cares, I think. I'll take that.
"Oh huh, interesting. That's good I guess. Can you help me with the splitting of my head?"
Esyrn and Liza walked into the room. "Thank goodness your awake!" exclaimed Esryn.
"Ahh please not so loud, my head is killing me."
"Sorry." Liza whispered to me.
Liza came and sat next to me on my bed and hugged me tight. She smiled at me and then placed her paw on my forehead and began chanting quietly. I felt the warmth of her touch and then my whole face began to tingle as if it were to go numb. Light gleamed from her palm and then I could feel the sharp pain dull until it faded into nothing.
"Liza thank you!" I wrapped my little arms around her perfect Kneph body.
"You had us worried. Why didn't you tell us what you were planning?" Esryn jumped to the point.
"Wow thanks for seeing how I'm doing, thanks! No no I don't need a moment, after being out for 3 DAYS!" I scowled at my cousin.
"Mogdron, I'm sorry but this is big. You went after the Queen of the Lepruchuns and ended up in hell! What were you thinking and why didn't you bother to share this tidbit of info with me? You could have been killed and you scared us all." His lips tighten as his starred in my direction crossing his arms.
"Yeah I know I'm sorry, really I am. I didn't mean to frighten you all. It's just these dam Lepruchuns piss me off! They cause choas and make it so unfortunate things happen to perfectly good people. Since Karajan started working under Lucifer and now has returned and fully embraced her flippin asshat lepruchun followers; people aren't just having bad luck, death is now bestowed on them. Dam Trent is causing the most trouble and Karajan is more than encouraging his bad behavior. What they did to Zoey was the last needle break in the saw stack for me ya know." My friend Zoey flashed in my thoughts and my heart felt the pain of knowing I will never see her again due to her untimely demise. My anger over her death formed into revenge which seeped inside me and filled in the crack in my heart that occurred at the news of her passing. Trent was a devious Lepruchun and his luck as well as Karajan's was going to run out, I was going to make sure of it.
"Look just because he whammied your friend and brought the Djin in her life and got her killed doesn't mean you can go and be all crazy and take this on your own. We would have helped you. You know that. So what the flip?"
"Look you know I'm impulsive and do things without thinking and after Zoey was killed by the Djin, I knew I had to kill Karajan. She can't continue to live, as long as she is alive, the madness won't stop and many more humans will die or be severely messed up by the Lepruchuns."
"We get it Mog but you need a plan and us to help you. You are powerful but Karajan has Lucifer as a boss. You can't do this alone." Liza chimed in.
"Ok I get it, now can you please stop with the lecture, ESYRN!"
"I don't know what your talking about. I just asked you how your day was." Esyrn smiled at me.

The next day........

"Where are you going?" Esyrn questioned as I was packing deadly weapons in my bag.
"I have to go see the Oracle."
"What? Why?" His face appeared shocked.
"I'm going to Earth. I have to free my parents and bring them home. The Oracle is the only one that can help me figure out how."
"Whoa ok wait, you must have forgot your common sense in hell. What makes you think you can go from Nye to Earth, they are universes apart?"
"Lucifer told me I have the power and if I can go from hell and back here and be alive to tell the tale, then it must be true. Besides if the bitch Morgana could send my parents to Earth, then I probably have the ability to travel there. She is unfortunately part of my blood line being my so called Aunt"
"Ok so let's entertain the idea and say you make it Earth. Then what? How are you going to find them? How are you going to free your dad from the Enteranl tree of life, which is magically bound? How are you going to free you mom from the ocean? How can you bring them back?"
"I will figure it all out when the time comes."
"Ahhh I don't even have a response to that."
"Look you either support the cause or get the flip out of the way. Stop trying to control me!"
"Look if your going I'm going with you."
"Liza is taking me. You don't have to go. I'll be back in a few days. Ok, don't worry so much. I will be ok, I always am." I put on my jacket and bag, hugged him as he just stayed silent and I walked off feeling him watch me walk off.

to be continued......



Passage One: Mogdron: Swallowed by Hell

5 years later.....

I laid with my face in the dirt as my bones ached. I locked in within my inner energy and swung my body over and up. Face to face with the wretched demon, Karajan the Queen of the Lepruchuns. She deemed to kill me as I have been on a mission to wipe them out. They possess the ability to charm any human making them lust them and if they choose they could curse you with their gold coin they also kept on them, by simply leaving the coin behind. Whoever touched the coin inflicted an ill fate to befall on them. The dam coin moved on it's own and always found it's way back to it's asshat owner after the damage was done. The little bastards attempted to curse me when they realized their lust pheromones had no effect on me. I may look human but my mother was a water demon and my father Merlin who was half demon.  I am unaffected by their demonic charms.  What little did I know was that they were indeed in line with Lucifer.
"Karajan I grow bored with your feeble attempts." I staggered to stand strong with my words spewed in her direction.
"Oh what a foolish child you are." She laughed and the ground opened up beneath me and down I went into the pits of hell.  It seemed like forever I was falling as screams brushed up on me and sights of terror flashed before me.  Then it stopped, no thud, no crack or break.  I was just still in mid air and then slowly descended until I stood on mangy carpet that looked to be the hair and skin of diseased dogs and I had not choice but to walk on it as it covered the entire area.  The air had a stench of death and I could feel myself want to upchuck my lunch.  I looked around to see what was endless cubicles.  Exhausted people with their ears attached to the skin flesh phones.  The same annoying song repeating as is played in the background.  Wickedly bright luminous lights that were blinding.  No windows anywhere.  The air was stale and hopeless.  They all looked like zombies.  None of them noticing me as I walk by trying to find a way out but there just wasn't one.  More screams filled the air and as I neared an opening and peered in I could see the zombies eating on the flesh of those who appeared human and unzombie like.  Hell, I'm in hell.  I thought.  Great so Lucifer finally has sought me out but where the hell is the beast?  Just as I thought it, the room changed with the floor of black marble and the walls bleed red over black.  Lavish furniture and in the center of the room appeared to be bodies entangled, sucking, biting, licking, moaning, screaming as they all were fucking.  An orgy a dam orgy with who knows how many demons and humans entwined.  There was a hallway and I began to travel in that direction when he showed.  He didn't show his true form but instead hid it from me in a form of man he knew I lusted.  This only infuriated me more.  I could could feel the power of my energy ball up in my hands, ready to throw in his direction.  But then I thought he is immortal and feeds off of anger.  Besides I'm in his home and he could easily kill if he wanted.  Maybe I could create a ball of love to throw his way, would love hurt him?  I realized I was defenseless right then and the thought deflated me.
"Mogdron, Mogdron, Mogdron, how lovely of you to show and apparently you want me or you wouldn't meet me here of all the choices where we could have meet."  He looked at me slyly and was undressing me with his eyes.  I felt my skin crawl and I ignored his comment.  
"Lucifer! I should have known!"
"Mmmmm, you taste like rage. How tempting you are right now, so delicious!" he smiled wide with those most wicked eyes that kept looking me over and penetrating my body.
I knew I couldn't kill him, as he was immortal. I couldn't love him either which I'm sure would hurt him.
"You will fight for me one day, you can't change destiny Mogdron. You are mine, you have always been mine. Your parents too." He came close to me and ran the back of his hand over my cheek as his eyes smoldered and I found myself glued in place unable to move.  I didn't fear him.  I know he needed me, I could sense it.
"Why am I here?  I'm not dead."
"What can a grandfather not visit his Grandchild when he pleases?"
"What?" I said sharply as I was still glued in place.
"Oh I see, Merlin shared with you that his mother, the sweet nun was impregnated by a demon, but he he didn't tell you the truth.  I am his father and therefore that makes you my family."
"What!  If that is true then why did you banish him from Nye and send him to Earth in the Eternal tree of life?"
"Oh no my dear I did not do such a thing, that was all Morgana's doing.  Although children have to be punished when they don't obey, and you are about to get grounded as well."
"Why because I am fixing to kill your  Brother, Baal?"
"Oh well killing my brother would only be a favor to me.  In fact if you can kill all 63 of them then I would be very pleased.  I've never been one for family or sharing.  In fact that is exactly what I want you to do.  You have a special gift Mogdron.  You can jump worlds.  You are not stuck in Nye you can leave and go to Earth.  You will have to kill my brother Satan though if you want to free your father."
An echo of a voice sounded through my thoughts. My cousin Esyrn's voice was chanting in Latin. The ground shook and then my surroundings flickered until it all faded to black and hell disappeared including Lucifer. My legs gave out as I phased into a room with Esryn and the Knephs who were the most magical pure beings integrated with humankind. I saw them for just a moment but then my legs completely weakened and down I went and my body crashed into the hardwood flooring and my head bounced off with a surge of pain. Then there was nothing but darkness and the echos of voices that grew faint.
"Mogdron, Mogdron! Wake up, come on wake up!" Esryn cried as he scooped up my limp body in his arms.  I could hear his voice echo in the blackness but I was numb.

to be continued.......


Intro:Mogdron Adventures - Daughter of Merlin


I wondered if life could be different. Thoughts wondered to what normal ever could be but it all was a pipe dream. I lived in a world of magic, evil leprechauns, ghosts, demons and the devils. My life knew nothing of normal with my father being Merlin and my mother was known as the Lady of the Lake who is a water demon and daughter of Poseidon.  I've just discovered Lucifer trapped my father in the eternal tree of life by corrupting my mothers sister Morgana.  There doesn't seem to any proof Lucifer actually committed any crimes but he certainly was a major key player of influence and corrupted many. I suppose my aunt was always was susceptible to his ways as power hungry as she has always been.  She cursed my mother to the ocean making her unable to survive out of the sea. Here I am on my twentieth birthday, pissed off and I am most certainly clueless. My parents did strive to teach and mold me but I rebelled. Instead of learning magic I was out trying to be normal but now in hindsight I now realize this may cost the lives of those I love as well as my own.  I haven't a clue on how to save my parents, destroy Lucifer and imprison Morgana but I will find a way.  I have too, I have no choice.  I've just discovered that there are alternate realities to Nye and the one I have to get too, to save my parents is Earth.  I don't know how yet but I do know I will find my way there and save them.  Luckily I have my cousin Esyrn who is magically inclined as well as an alien race called the Knephs to assist me on my journey.  Today marks the day I step forward to embrace my destiny and find the power to fight the good fight as they say, all while I try to stay alive, survive devils, demons, the Jinn and who knows what else.  Of course when I think I have figured it out,  it's just then I know I will never have all the answers.  I will never understand evil and the mind of the insane but I will do my best to fight against the evil that has filtrated my life.
