
Passage 3.2 - The Levaithans

“Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?  Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?  Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.  His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.  By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.  Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.  Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.  His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.  In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.  The flakes of his flesh are joined together: they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.   His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.” 
- Job 41, King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition

May 4, 2415…Planet Nye, Lokie Sea – Four leagues below

Our first goal was to get past the guardian of the sixth realms in order to be able to find the entrance to the inner dimension.  Visiting the Oracle was not an easy journey to take.  Lucifer was greatly threatened by the Oracle and he has done his best to keep everyone away, since he is not capable of killing her.  This time I was prepared, this time I would finish the journey.  During my last visit here, the veil was lifted from my eyes.  I was shown a truth of reality I could not have realized existed.   It was revealed to me, of Lucifer’s control over Morgana, her jealousy, her rage and hunger to destroy what she could not have.  Destroy the love of my parents.  I was shown the world to which she sought refuge in, Earth.  It was here I saw my parents, separated by water and land with a single tree.  I still don’t quite understand the vision I was given.  I only understand that they are on Earth and I must go there and save them. 

As a child I was taught in our history classes that we were not alone.  The Kneph alien race made their existence known to us back on July 8, 1947 and made us all realize we were not alone in the vast solar system.   It took time for the Kneph’s to be accepted.  The human race is quite fearful and cruel at times and the Kneph’s incurred military testing, slavery, alienated by the fact they were not human and then a war occurred.  There were those courageous humans who believed in them, stood by them and fought for them and once such people filtrated into the legal system.  Laws were put in place to protect them.  Eventually they were integrated into our school system, work places and accepted.  However, not everyone accepted them and alienist hatred still exist among us.  With the hatred emerged the KKK, the Kneph Killing Klan.  The KKK embraced dark energies and connected with Lucifer, giving him power to roam Nye freely.  Lucifer tainted the water with a darkness and created Levaithans who devoured beings of higher conciousness.  The Kneph where such beings.  Posedion discovered what occurred and sought Lucifer out to put out his flame.  Lucifer however is the king of manipulation and can twist any situation to his favor.  Lucifer convinced Posedion the Kneph’s were a threat to him and the Leviathan’s were there to protect him and all his creatures of the sea and only a threat to the Knephs.  He allowed Lucifer to continue to birth creatures of darkness known as the Leviathans and did not go to war with him.  The young Poseidon was still very new to being a God and had not the wisdom yet to realize Lucifer had poisoned his thoughts and clouded his vision.  War broke out between the Kneph’s and Poseidon.  Lucifer left them with chaos that began to weave through the land and the sea into a knot that would not untie.  However, this darkness Lucifer birthed within the ocean didn't just affect the Knephs and soon Poseidon discovered he was betrayed by Lucifer.   The young god of the sea saw the Leviathans grow to be massive beasts and swallow up his creatures he loved so dearly.  With this new understanding Poseidon made peace with the alien creatures and understood they are not a threat to him and instead he claimed war on Lucifer.  The devil found himself quite pleased when Poseidon discovered the threat is now on his life and all those he loves.  Lucifer loves war, fear, anger, greed and betrayal.  It feeds him and makes him more powerful.  Poseidon had joined forces with King Elohim, God of Bliss and creator of all the Devils.  Lucifer had not foreseen his father getting involved but once he was, Lucifer was trapped in a dimension of hell and unable to free himself.  When Lucifer finally found an escape it was only through the help of a Kneph, who brought him to the sixth realms with an agreement he would never harm their species.  Lucifer agreed but told the Knephs they have a truce but he can not protect them from the Leviathans.  So they agreed to stay away from the ocean and understood otherwise the Leviathans will find them.  The Kneph made the agreement and Lucifer found his way to the sixth realm and agreed to never come after them again.  The Leviathans are drawn to the dark energy of the sixth realm that lay within a dimension of the sea.  There they inhabit the pockets of this portal that seeps into Nye’s ocean.  What I’ve learned is, if a devil created it, then being of the bloodline of Lucifer I have power to fight them off.  Of course, the only reason I survived last time was through the grace of the Oracle.  The Oracle had told me she would see us again, I didn't think anything of it at the time as I thought she was just being polite not predicting the future but here we are.  We swam deeper into the abyss of the dark purple sea with the light gleaming from my chest to guide our way into the dark depths of the unknown.  It seemed like it took a lifetime and the further down into the weight of the sea we were, the more concerned I was for Esyrn.  I wasn’t confident his spell was holding up as I easily as hoped as I continued to glide through the currents that pulled at us.   When we finally reached an calm area of the sea, where the current no longer tugged at us, no life swimming through the area and the water began to increase in warmth, I knew we were close.  We neared the massive gold caves to see two enormous red scaled beasts slithering around them.  I looked over at Esyrn as he looked at me and his magical sphere was strongly in place.  He nodded and pointed to head forward to take on the beast.   His confidence seem astounding to me just then as my heart began to race and I told myself, I did it once, I can do it again.  I am not afraid.  I am not afraid.  I AM NOT AFRAID!  My heart raced and I felt the fear beginning to take over.

To be continued.......
