
Trip of the Tongue: Cookies and The Mud Kings

Trip of the Tongue: Cookies and The Mud Kings: “Sometimes I dream unimaginable things. Some of which brings me joy and peace and other times my  imaginary mind taps into the dark depths ...


About The Mogdron Series

Welcome to the creative mind of LJ Smith, creator of Mogdron and all artwork associated with the Mogdron series. So who is Mogdron you may wonder and why would you want to know her? If you are someone who likes to escape from reality into alternate realities and worlds then perhaps Mogdron is someone one you want to know. She was born on an earth like planet called Nye and is the daughter of the magical wizard Merlin and a half water demon known as the Lady of the Lake Vivian. Her aunt is a powerful witch known as Morgana whose jealousy of her sister Vivian drives her to the darkest of magic in which she casts a spell on Merlin and Vivian beyond their galaxy and leaves them 66 billion light years away on a planet called Earth. People of Nye have not discovered a way to travel in one's lifetime to another galaxy and Mogdron has to tap into the supernatural to find her way to Earth, however doing so may cost her more than her soul. Her adventures lead her to the gods, the devil and many realms unknown to her. The obstacles she faces leaves her questioning her life, her purpose and is confronted with finding creative ways to survive and grasp on to hope and love. She along with others have to battle their own limitations and find courage within themselves and battle their own dark minds, demons, magic and even aliens from another galaxy all in hopes to finding her parents, as well as manifesting a better life and world that is safe from the evil that lurks beyond her world.


Passage 3.3 - My Grandfather Poseidon

"I think God's wrath and purgatory are the only things keeping me on the straight and narrow. I like the idea of purgatory. It's like a cosmic do-over." - Katee Sackhoff
With the depths of the unknown sea we swam deeper towards an unthinkable fate, as the Leviathan slithered around the glimmering rock formation.  Even though it was within my sight we were still so far away.  I heard a male voice echo in my head.

‘Mogdron, stop!  You must not proceed!’ 

I recognized immediately that it was my grandfather Poseidon.  I kept swimming, ignoring him and then the current funneled around Esryn and I and held us firmly in place.  Then he emerged before us.  He was massive and liquid like the ocean.  He gleamed with greens and purples with specks of gold that reflected from him.  His eyes were of gold and his hair was flowing of  white waves.  We were the size of ants compared to him.  He held his three pointed triton rod close to him.  I wondered if he
ever put it down.  The triton seemed to be an appendage to him.

“What prey tell do you think you're doing?”
“Let us go, please grandfather.  I must get to purgatory, it's very important and a urgent matter.”

He began to laugh and the currents that held us shook us in place.  As I was about to vomit from all the jerky movement, he finally stopped.  He looked at us firmly and the grip of the water held us tightly.  

“Urgent?  Important matter?  Don't you think both of those things are important to discuss with a God?"

"I surprised as God I would think you would already know why I am here?"

I felt constricted as he tighten his liquid grip on me.  I began to struggle for breath.  He just sternly stared at me and watched me suffer as I squirmed.  Then he finally loosened his grip and I was able to breath again.

"I am going to find a way to save my parents, you know your daughter?!"
"Hades won’t allow it.  That is her domain you are about to enter.  Last time you did this she was not very kind to you.  Did you forget?  Did you forget she joined forces with Lucifer?”
“Yes I know this and I know she did it to spite you.  Siblings can be troublesome can't they?”

The water squeeze around me again and I felt myself almost loose consciousness.

“How can you be of my blood and yet be so utterly foolish?!  Silly girl!”

Poseidon scorned me.  I began to struggle for breath unable to breath and trying to be brave.  He let loose his watery grasp on me.  I knew he was never one to keep calm, in fact he had a terrible temper.  I always felt Hades was better at controlling her emotions than my own grandfather at least that is what I remember from my last visit to the sixth realm.  From what I heard she became obsessed with Lucifer, and since then no one has seen her.  Only the dead sees her, the dead trapped in the sixth realm of the underworld.  Zues, Hades and Poseidon were siblings that could never agree on anything and war continued to breakout between them.  Until one day King Elohim meet up with Zues and made an agreement to share the Heavens with him and Hades found Lucifer and fell in love with the heartless devil. She made a pact with Posedion that she would remain there and leave him be as she had for Lucifer.  He needed her to watch over purgatory so he could continue to rule hell without distractions.  Their brother Zues agreed to stay in the Heavens where he partnered with King Elohim.  Poseidon had all the oceans to himself 

“You must leave and take your pet with you!”  He placed his icy cold stare upon Esryn.  I had forgotten for a moment he was with me.  

I looked over at Esryn and saw him trying to maintain his cool but I could feel his fear.

“Don’t you want your daughter back or is it that you just have so many children that loosing one makes no difference to you? “

Poseidon pointed his trident towards Esryn and I could see my cousins eyes open wide as he struggled to pull free from the grasps of the current.  His struggle was useless however as Poseidon commanded the currents to push him out of the sea and swiftly he began rise towards the surface.  I helplessly watched as he became a speck, as he neared the surface and then he vanished from my sight all together.  Although I was angry, I was also relieved to know he wouldn't continue this journey with me.  I wanted him safe and that meant leaving him behind.  I was upset by Poseidon’s opposition to me doing this though.  How unloving could he be?  How heartless of a god was he?  Why am I related to such jerks!  I am so tired of this!


With my rage I broke free from the hold of the currents on me.  I turned the currents onto him and they swarmed around him and began to boil.  Poseidon immediately froze me in place and the water became shackles around me and the water calmed around him as he made me powerless.  Poseidon’s face went from angry to being impressed.  I didn't expect that reaction at all.

“I love all my children, including you Mogdron.  In fact, you interest me the most these days.  However, continuing down to the underworld will end your life and you will be of no use to anyone.”

“Hades is your sister.  You can talk to her.  She has influence over Lucifer  You can help me.  Please help me?”

He was quiet and contemplated what I requested but I wasn't sure if he was taking me seriously and began to worry if he was just distracting me until he could figure out how to get rid of me.

“What would it take to allow you to let me do this?  I will save your daughter, shouldn't that be enough?”
“No, but .."
"But what?"
"I don't know if you up for the task my dear."

I began to feel uncomfortable and I knew I would regret it but I was willing to do anything at this point.

"Look I will do it, whatever it is, as long as you help me."

He glanced at me quietly pondering over what he was about to say.  I felt agitated as he was taking so long to respond.

"Well?  What is it that you want me to do?"

He released the liquid shackles from me.  I felt relieved to not be so restricted.

"If you are willing to kill Lucifer, then I might consider allowing you to pass and I will speak to Hades to stay out of your way."

“I have every intention of killing Lucifer once I have the power to do so.  So you have a deal.”

He leaned down and looked into my eyes.  I just stared fearlessly into his massive icy golden gaze.  I could feel him sizing me up, to sense if I am speaking the truth to him.  It felt like hours he held me there within his stare.

“Fine.  It is done.  Hades will let you pass.”
“Thank you, grandfather.  Thank you.  What about Esryn?  Is he ok?”
“He is fine.  I returned him back to the surface and he is back on the beach now.  He will not be permitted to come near here again.”
“I’m fine with that, just please don’t hurt him.”
“As you wish.”

He vanished before me and water became more turbulent.  I began to swim down and I could feel the water becoming warmer until it was hot and I was on top of the  gold rock of the underworld as the Leviathans continued to swim around it until one of them saw me and began to swim in in my direction.  'Oh no, this is gonna hurt!".
